Welcome to 1kor1622!

"If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha." - 1 Corinthians 16:22

1kor1622, also called Maranatha, is a site dedicated to the Lord that showcases the Holy Word of God to express gratitude for Our Savior, whether it be sharing Bible verses, showcasing my personal testimony, or showcasing the testimony of other Believers. In addition to this, 1kor1622 is also a resource for Christians to find works that glorify the Lord.

This site is under construction, and is a work in progress. "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." - James 1:4

Why is this website called 1kor1622, or Maranatha?

Maranatha (מרנאתא in Aramaic) is a word used once in the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 16:22, that either can mean "Our Lord, Come!," or "Our Lord Has Come!," depending on the context it is used in, and how it is interpreted. Despite the ambiguity of the word, it is clear the word Maranatha expresses our gratitude, praise, and desire for our Lord to come to us. On the day of the Second Coming, the Lord will come , and God's Children will be taken up to Heaven to live with Him for Eternity. To prepare for this, we must keep our lamps filled with oil by remembering to praise and serve the Lord with all our Heart, so we may eternally live with Him.

Who is this website dedicated for?

  • Jesus Christ: First and foremost, the Highest Praise goes to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who has given us all Life and Eternity simply because of His Grace.
  • Devout Christians: This website is dedicated to people who are devout followers of the Lord, to continue strengthening our relationship and love with Him.
  • Worldly Christians and People on the fences: This website is also for people who may be Christian but haven't pursued a Loving relationship with Christ yet, as well as for people thinking about converting to Jesus Christ that want to learn more about his Providence.
  • Nonbelievers: Whether an atheist or follower of a different religion, this website is still here to show the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world, so they may be redeemed in His name.